CyberData Products and InformaCast Fusion Registration

CyberData Products and InformaCast Fusion Registration

InformaCast Fusion uses DNS SRV records for service discovery of IP speakers, the Desktop Notifier, and the Paging Gateway. [1, 2]  

How DNS SRV works with InformaCast [3]  

• IP speakers use DNS SRV to locate the InformaCast resource directory. [3]  
• The Desktop Notifier uses DNS SRV to auto-discover InformaCast and download its configuration file. [2]  
• The Paging Gateway uses DNS SRV to discover the service of the InformaCast server. [1]  

How to check DNS SRV records [2]  

• On Windows, use the nslookup command to check DNS SRV records. 
• On Mac or Linux, use the host command to check DNS SRV records. 

How to troubleshoot DNS issues [4, 5, 6]  

• If you're having trouble with DNS, you can try these steps: 
1. Log into the InformaCast CLI and run the configure-network command. 
2. Adjust the DNS server references to valid DNS servers. 
3. Perform a DNS PTR record lookup for the IP addresses of the DNS servers. 
4. Ensure that your DNS infrastructure supports EDNS. 

DNS SRV support [3]  
Not all speaker manufacturers support DNS SRV. You can check your vendor's firmware documentation for support. [3]  

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